

Interested in becoming a Rotary member?  
Try us our guest for lunch up to two times then submit your application and keep coming until you are made official! You'll find that we are the fun, young Rotary of the Corridor!
Click here for our: Member Application
Click here for our Membership Brochure
Member Requirements

Financial requirement: 
$25 Initiation fee.  $190/quarter. 
Attendance (60%) 
You are allowed to make up a missed meeting at any Rotary club in the world.  If you make up a missed meeting at another club in Cedar Rapids, then the club secretary will report to our club, and you will receive credit.  You will also receive make up credit for any club related service project, fundraiser, board meeting, social event, etc. that you attend. 
Metro North Rotary is actively involved in projects that serve the Boys & Girls Clubs, Metro High School, Indian Creek Nature Center and other meaningful organizations. We expect our members to participate in at least one substantial service project per year (5-10 hours of service). We also participate in several fundraising events and projects. 
Metro North Rotary has social events on a monthly basis, which typically take place on a Thursday afternoon between 4pm and 6pm at different local establishments. 
New Member Approval: 
After having visited our club, if you have an interest in joining, we will have you fill out a new member application (online or manual).  Our membership committee chair will then present your application to the board for approval. The board votes once per month.  Should your application be approved, you will receive a welcome email from our membership chair with further instructions.